I was on my way to work that morning when reality struck me. Imagine my goosebumps when I saw this thing happen right before my still sleepy eyes. Damn it. A lady in a 3 inches (if i will do the math) high heels killed a then so healthy and full of life cockroach. She did it like an expert. EEW! I watched her in dismay, why does she have to use the heel by the way when she can use the upper tip of the shoe instead? What a murderer. Well i won't really harbor any ill feeling towards her if she only did that in a more gracious way. It's kind of gross to be watching the roach swimming in its own white sticky blood, if blood is what you call it. As much as I would like to disregard the whole thing, it was enough to send shivers down my spine. When i recovered from that experience as I reached the office, i laughed and jokingly said to myself...poor roach, well, life is short. That adage rang a bell in my mind the first time i thought of it. But little did i know that life would like to teach me a more significant lesson at that cockroach's expense. Later in the afternoon, I received a text from a friend, whose loved one died on an accident. That one really gave me a knock on the head. And finally... i uttered seriously, that indeed life is short. My heart goes out for a friend who was just starting to learn how to really love someone, how to appreciate every second of being with them, showing her real feeling. Ive known her for quite sometime and i will always argue with her about not being open with her feelings. She never show in her actions how much she loved a person, she can never imagine doing that. And when she finally did, she only had very limited time. I remember those times I was not mindful of the beautiful people in my life. All those times wasted on arguing with them, giving them a cold shoulder and not being thankful of their presence, i felt a sudden feeling of regret. I realized that we are just passers by of this world. God has numbered our days as written in the bible,but how are we to spend it? Shall we continue to live for ourselves, or for others instead? What if we are only given a few minutes, days, months, years to be with the people we love? And a lifetime to regret if we fail to make the most out of it. We tend to take for granted the people in our lives because we always think that they are just around. Sometimes we also do that to ourselves, taking advantage of our busy days to neglect our health, relationships and the things that really matter. We fail to seize the day. I don't mean to to make a humor out of my friend's loss by starting off with a story of the cockroach. But that's how life made me see things on a different light. As a teenager, I once got hooked over this boy band which was the Moffats. One of their famous songs was IF LIFE IS SHORT...with a line that goes, why don't you let me love you before we ran out of time? Well that made sense to me. So here I go, making my own list of to do things, while we still feel and breathe life. Here goes...
If life is short, why don't we...
1.) eat without caring much about our weight (staying fit is healthy, being vain is not)
2.) laugh out loud till your tonsils show (who cares anyway?)
3.) sing at the top of your lungs
4.) dance like no one is watching
5.) say thank you to someone today
6.) compliment another person
7.) make every place our playground
8.) count our blessings instead of sheeps if we can't sleep
9.) get down and get dirty
10.) love like we've never been hurt
Live and let die today. Let go and let God.
Behind The Scenes - First Silent Film Project
15 years ago
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